Do This Do That

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akimoto심심할때Bjork김기덕라스폰트리에에관한잡담 %9LocalKeywords/CommonWordsKo%9LocalKeywords/CommonWordsKo DoThisDoThat

You need this? Do this... Do that...
It is wrong. Follow this.... It is such a ... blah blah blah...
It is not. If you see/read/do this, you will know.... So first of all, Do this.

In Usenet, These kind of expressions are often called DoThisDoThat expressions. These should be avoided(if they target a specific individual -- but it's okay if they're mere statements or in the DocumentMode. See also Wiki:GoodStyle, which is fully in DoThisDoThat style, more properly "in the imperative", but not rude nor offensive at all). It is considered quite rude and often ignites so called flamewar. There are much better and well established expressions, which are also polite and socially acceptable.

I suggest that ...
I think this will help ...
You should try this because ...
I don't think it is. Why don't you consider/try ...

, which can be considered quite Kiwirian in a sense. DontTakeItPersonally. It's WikiStyle after all.

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